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Home Dental Services Restorative Dentistry Dental Implants vs Mini Implants Bone Grafting

Bone Grafting
Great Falls, MT

Bone graft material is placed into a missing tooth socket in the gum tissue, using a tool.When patients injure their jaw, it can cause pain and discomfort in their mouth and make it difficult to chew and talk. A bone graft is a good restorative treatment option to improve their condition and return normal functionality. At River's Edge Dental we can perform a bone graft to help patients in need of this treatment.

What is a Bone Graft?

A bone graft is a procedure used to correct problems with the jawbone and temporomandibular (TMJ) joint. Bone grafting involves taking bone tissue from a location in the body and applying it to an injured area. The transplanted tissue bonds with the affected area and can help the body rebuild lost bone mass or soft tissue.

This procedure can be used to repair bone damage or joint problems and trauma. It can even be placed around an implanted device to better anchor it if the patient has substantial bone loss or fracture.

The bone used during this procedure can come from the patient’s body, though sometimes it comes from a donor. Thanks to advances in technology, synthetic bone material is an option for grafting as well. We turn the synthetic material into a framework which prompts new bone growth to start. There is a slight possibility the patient’s body could reject the synthetic bone, but it is rare.

Types of Bone Grafts

There are several types of bone grafts available to our patients. The two most common include an allograft and an autograft. The allograft will use bone from a cadaver or deceased donor. The bone will be cleaned and sterilized before being stored in a tissue bank until needed. An autograft is taken from a bone inside the patient’s body. We may choose to use bone from the wrist, pelvis, hips, or ribs.

The type of graft we use will depend on the type of injury and what will yield the best results given the situation. We can discuss all of the available options for you. Allografts are popular because they minimize the risk of infection when compared to the autograft. Our patients often prefer this option because it is quicker and requires less time at our office.

Talking to Our Dentists About a Graft

Our team can discuss whether a bone graft is the right procedure for you. A bone graft is a great option for TMJ and other jaw disorders. In some cases, grafting is the best option to help regenerate bone loss brought on by injury, infection, or disease. Relatively simple, bone grafts provide relief from a variety of symptoms and can help when performed in concert with other procedures. A graft can be used to help heal the bone around any surgically implanted device like joint replacements, plates, or screws.

Many of our patients fail to realize bone grafts can help them with bone loss, jaw pain and other joint problems in their mouth. At River's Edge Dental, we are happy to discuss this procedure and see if it is the right choice for you. Call us at (406) 315-5882 to get started.


(406) 315-5882


Monday thru Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
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Bone Grafting • Great Falls, MT • River's Edge Dental
At River's Edge Dental we can perform a bone graft to help patients in need of this treatment. If you have questions, give our office a call today!
River's Edge Dental, 1900 River Dr N, Great Falls, MT 59401 \ (406) 315-5882 \ \ 1/28/2025 \ Key Phrases: dentist Great Falls \