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Home Dental Services Restorative Dentistry Who Is A Candidate For Dental Implants

Who Is A Candidate For Dental Implants
Great Falls, MT

Doctor explaining the dental implant process to a patient while she reflects on her own dental health.If you are missing one or various teeth, you may be a good candidate to get dental implants, which are a functional and aesthetical replacement for natural teeth. At River's Edge Dental our team of professionals is ready to guide you throughout the process of obtaining your dental implants. We will go through some of the requirements patients need to meet in order to get their own.

Being At Least 20 Years Old

There is no maximum age to obtain dental implants; however, you can be too young for them. Dental implants are not recommended for children or adolescents, since their facial anatomy would not finish their growing process until their 20’s.

If we place implants in minors, the changes in their jawbone structure could result in the loss of the implant. If a child loses a permanent tooth, we can opt for bridges, and later consider an implant once its development is complete.

Having A Good General State Of Health

In order to get an implant, it is necessary that patients undergo a surgical process, for which it is essential that they are healthy. If you have any specific conditions, such as heart failure or metabolic disorders, a more thorough evaluation should be done to determine if you can safely get the treatment. The important thing is to avoid any complications during the surgery, and to guarantee the success of the treatment.

We are not only talking about your general health, but about your oral health, as well. If you suffer from cavities or periodontal disease, we must treat these conditions before starting your implant procedure. Otherwise, you run the risk of infection or losing the implant.

Having a Jaw that Can Support an Implant

The condition of your facial structure, especially your jaw, is essential to know whether or not you can get implants. If your jaw is very weak, it may not withstand the treatment long enough to guarantee its long-term success.

If that is the case, patients should first obtain a bone graft. In this procedure, we will transplant bone tissue from some part of your body to your jaw, in order to encourage its natural regrowth, so it could then support an implant without problems.

Not Consuming Alcohol Or Cigarettes

Alcohol and tobacco consumption may be determined when evaluating if a patient is a candidate for implants or not. Both affect and alter your clotting factors that increase the risk of bleeding during implant surgery. In addition to this, they reduce the supply of oxygen to the tissues, which could later complicate the recovery and healing process, predisposing you to infections.

Similarly, these habits can decrease your immune system, also leaving you unprotected against infections. If you smoke or consume alcohol, you can still acquire dental implants, but it is necessary that you pause before the surgery in order to avoid any complications.

Dental implants can save patients from dental loss. If you think you are a good candidate, and are interested in starting your process with us at River's Edge Dental, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling at (406) 315-5882. We will take care of you and leave your smile restored.


(406) 315-5882


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Who Is A Candidate For Dental Implants - Dentist Great Falls, MT - River's Edge Dental
If you are missing one or various teeth, you may be a good candidate to get dental implants. Call our experts at River's Edge Dental today to schedule your appointment!
River's Edge Dental, 1900 River Dr N, Great Falls, MT 59401 / (406) 315-5882 / / 1/28/2025 / Key Phrases: dentist Great Falls /